Friday, April 27, 2007

Browning around etc...

I'm whilst looking around I found a poem I had forgotten about. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, "How Do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." This has to be the most beautiful of poems ever written. I might be exaggerating and I'm sure I know other poems that are just as incredible but the emotion and heart felt love that Browning displays here is incredible.

The joys of getting back to all this literature stuff, that is of course not a very language politically correct way of putting it and especially describing it as "stuff" but I am taking poetical writers licence. Was sitting in a class for A Level students Thursday talking "King Lear". Wow! It's amazing how quickly one forgets all the literary terminology and just how exciting it used to be....

That has to be one of the things I wish we all knew when we were at school, that it really isn't that bad! If one only knew that school is actually fun if one only gives it a chance. Admittedly, I am very jealous of the one of the schools (I'm not going to be harsh and mention any names but it's a school I didn't go to)...I met their English teachers at the workshop and the one in particular is one I wish I'd had when I was at school. She is one of those awe inspiring teachers that sees only the positive points in her students and looks for a way to fill them with this same spirit that is driving her....

The workshop or "Textpo" that started Saturday proved to be very interesting. We had several speakers discussing the facets of back of stage management. I have learnt that there is no way in hell I'm ever doing "flies" - the ladder is way too shear and the fly tower far too high off the ground for my liking! Sound design and operations, on the other hand seems to be very interesting and loads of fun and further more, does not require leaving the safety of the ground!

The only disappointing factor has been the fact that there is not enough interest in the dramatic arts especially back of stage in this country. Apparently a number of the youngsters entering into the drama field think back of stage happens by magic (I wish!)! People at least seemed to fairly interested in the King Lear workshop - but could be because they are studying it for school this year.

Of course I was informed that in the old days it used to be a requirement that one could only become a Reps member by also taking part in stage productions. Now, however, it is not compulsory to take part in productions to be accepted as a member and it is because of this that the bar actually carries the theatre or else the theatre wouldn't survive. The usual interests in this country being always situated around alcohol whether it's cricket, rugby or theatre! Sad that the youth these days and even the older group seem to think the only way anyone can have fun is by being drunk and in fact not even just drunk but completely and utterly legless!

As much as I love drama it is nice at the end of it all to retreat back into either my own home or go off to Sunday mass where normality still exists.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Text messaging....

Can you believe it!? A 13 year old in the United States won $25,000 US dollars this week for being the fastest text messenger! Her parents will be happy and so would I for that matter! Seriously though, the next thing they will do is make it an Olympic game which really would be ridiculous! Apparently “they” are calling her, Morgan Pozgar, a geek, Morgan of course doesn’t agree with this statement and neither do I for that matter considering this is the new and expected age of technology that we live in. Everyone below the age of 30 should definitely know how to use a computer and a cell phone considering it is the normal way of communication these days. Above that age criteria we can make allowances but if you don’t then where have you been?

My brother recently sent me an MP3 player after much begging and pleading… The alarming thing is that my mother who is the most technology backward person I know, now wants an MP3 player too! Of course the funny thing is, even though we both would have completely different music on our little toys, I will download the music for mom because I’m the one who has all the music, be it classical or whatever…well, that is except for the Spice Girls… I haven’t been in a huge hurry to get their old tunes or any of the particular “pop” idols. Don't know why....

I have found one song recently by James Carrington “Ache” that truly is beautiful! This I first heard on “Smallville” and so immediately went and found it to download.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Tonight I was sitting at Reps chatting to the one or two people I know that frequent the place and watching the other people that drift in and out. It is a great place to observe people. At the same time I find it interesting how people relate with people in accordance with their body language and their conversations.

People generally are fascinating creatures.

My questions that I would like to have answers to is where is that fine line between flirting and “flirting”? Someone actually explained to me there is flirting and there is spading. Apparently, for those of you who don't know (like I didn't) "spading" is when people are trying to score.

Either way, why is it that as soon as people realise you have came by yourself to a club, bar or any particular function they presume firstly that you are single and secondly that you are looking for something or rather someone? Why is it impossible to be female and sit at a bar, by yourself and purely want to meet with your friends to enjoy your evening without wanting anything more? Why was it so much easier to have male friends i.e. boys, when one was a child but when we are older there always has to be something else expected? Why can’t we just be friends without crossing any lines? Or basically why is everyone expecting sex at every corner? Are we only creatures with an animal instinct that states that we have only one form of communication that being to copulate? If that is the matter why were we given minds to think with and voice boxes to talk with?! Or was that some huge mistake?

At the end of the day…. Where is my knight in shining armour or does he not exist? Yes, maybe I'm putting too much pressure on the male species but then again why are we brought up on fairy tales only to be told later that they were all lies. I don't want to be swept off my feet....well, not exactly but I would love a man to know how to treat a girl and not be fifty years old when he does this! These days its either the youngsters who have the bravado to just ask if we'd sleep with them or the "elderly gentlemen" who think you are a "pretty little thing". All in all one could take it as compliments or else be insulted by both. I smile sweetly and thank who ever for their kind acknowledgement of my presence and leave it at that.

The really amazing thing is when you meet someone for the first time and there is that instant spark! Well, this happened the other day to me. It has to be the first time I've felt such a "spark", which is the only way I can describe it. Other times one may find people "cute" or "good looking", this time was wonderfully, amazingly different and so much more. It was like magic! Further more for once he wasn’t being typically male and hinting at jumping into bed but actually able to have a decent conversation which was truly wonderful. What got me was that spark I felt when our eyes met. I can't get over it. It truly was amazing!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Good idea...

This seems like a good idea, a blog!
I get to write all my crazy ideas and see if anyone wants to read them. Someone gave me this idea after reading their blog (if you want to check out the blog in question go to "
The Boddy Shop"). It seems fair to give credit where it is due. So here we go, my people (always wanted to say that), enjoy the reading when I have something to say and trust me I will have something to say! This is the latest news channel from Zimbabwe. Welcome to TKfmC.